Affordable Towing Inc

Saskatoon Towing Service, Tow Truck Service and Towing Company


Roadside Assistance in Saskatoon

There are few experiences that compare to having your car break down on the side of the road. Even in summer, the threat of exposure looms large over any driver’s head. That’s why it’s important to be prepared.

The fact of the matter is that nobody expects to be put in a situation where emergency roadside assistance is required. Most of us use our vehicles to get around every single day without really thinking about what would happen if they break down. When the unfortunate happens, you need to take every precaution to make sure you can get assistance fast.

Emergency Road Service and 24-Hour Assist

Before you finish reading this page, save Affordable Towing Inc’s phone number in your mobile phone’s contacts list. That means you’ll always have access to quick and helpful emergency road service even if you don’t have access to the Internet. When you’re stranded on the road, odds are pretty high that you don’t.

Having a number for a roadside assistance and towing company on hand means your day isn’t ruined if the worst case scenario happens. In fact, with our speedy and efficient service any time of day or night, we get you back to civilization and your everyday routine within hours.

But when we talk about car breakdowns, it isn’t just your convenience at stake. When the safety of your vehicle becomes impaired, the health and safety of you and your passengers are at risk too.

Do I Have Roadside Assistance? (Don’t Wait to Find Out)

Some of Affordable Towing Inc’s customers in Saskatoon admit that they hesitated to call for emergency towing until they confirmed their insurance coverage. Okay, so we’re a little biased. But we don’t think that’s very wise.

When it comes to getting back to the safety and comfort of your warm home, a few minutes of hesitation can cost more than a few dollars. It can cost you your health and vitality, even in summer months. But in cold and dark winters, Saskatoon residents aren’t likely to face a situation more dangerous than having their car break down on the side of the road.

You wouldn’t hesitate to call an ambulance for a sick friend in need. So think of emergency road service as an ambulance for your vehicle and the choice is clear.

The Most Affordable and Reliable Emergency Road Service in the Province

Before you head out on any journey, it’s important to cover all your bases when it comes to health and safety. This not only means performing regular maintenance on your vehicle but also stocking up on safety equipment for when things go wrong.

It can feel like a drag to spend hard-earned cash on unexciting things like an emergency first aid kit. But there’s no worse feeling in the world than not having access to such things when you need them. Similarly, keep Affordable Towing Inc’s name on hand in your mobile phone or written down in your glove compartment and you’ll be prepared to handle any roadside emergency life can throw at you.